Current Events
Become a Female Fear Fighter
This is an ongoing group for women looking to face their fears and move past them by tackling them head-on through a module-based coaching program. Female Fear Fighters helps women bust through fears (from public speaking, to applying for a new job, to forming an intimate relationship) that are holding them back from living a life they love. Interested? Email Lauren at [email protected].
This is an ongoing group for women looking to face their fears and move past them by tackling them head-on through a module-based coaching program. Female Fear Fighters helps women bust through fears (from public speaking, to applying for a new job, to forming an intimate relationship) that are holding them back from living a life they love. Interested? Email Lauren at [email protected].
Past Events
End-of-Year Vision Board Workshop -- Dec. 12, 2015
We created road maps to success by each making a vision board--a collage of images, pictures and affirmations of dreams and desires--participating in coaching activities and releasing worries by way of helium balloons.
We created road maps to success by each making a vision board--a collage of images, pictures and affirmations of dreams and desires--participating in coaching activities and releasing worries by way of helium balloons.
Manifest a Future You Desire: Vision Board Workshop -- Dec. 13, 2014
Attendees created vision boards to create a visual representation of what they wanted to create in the new year. A vision board is a modern manifestation tool combining concepts from creative hobbies like scrapbooking with motivational mind-mapping techniques. A vision board is a collage of pictures, phrases, poems, memorabilia and quotes which represent what you would like to experience more of in your life. In addition, we let go of our resentments, disappointments and regrets via helium balloons.
A Passion-Filled 2014 -- Life Coaching and Vision Board Workshop
Dec. 8 and Dec. 28, 2013 as well as Jan. 12, 2014
At these workshops, attendees experienced how vision boarding (creating a collage of images, pictures and affirmations of your dreams) and life coaching (exploration of values and personal mission statement) can help them create a personal roadmap to a passion-filled year. They participated in group meditation, values assessment, declaration of personal mission statement and creating a vision board to help manifest their dreams.
Attendees created vision boards to create a visual representation of what they wanted to create in the new year. A vision board is a modern manifestation tool combining concepts from creative hobbies like scrapbooking with motivational mind-mapping techniques. A vision board is a collage of pictures, phrases, poems, memorabilia and quotes which represent what you would like to experience more of in your life. In addition, we let go of our resentments, disappointments and regrets via helium balloons.
A Passion-Filled 2014 -- Life Coaching and Vision Board Workshop
Dec. 8 and Dec. 28, 2013 as well as Jan. 12, 2014
At these workshops, attendees experienced how vision boarding (creating a collage of images, pictures and affirmations of your dreams) and life coaching (exploration of values and personal mission statement) can help them create a personal roadmap to a passion-filled year. They participated in group meditation, values assessment, declaration of personal mission statement and creating a vision board to help manifest their dreams.