"Sitting quietly, doing nothing, spring comes, and the grass grows, by itself." — Matsuo Bashō
We are such a busy society, running from activity to event to commitment, making decisions on a whim, talking without much thought. But at times we feel perplexed about what to do or feel like we are just moving too fast. Sometimes the best thing to do is nothing. This is not a pass to not doing something ever, it's just about not doing something right now. Allow yourself the time to pause. Generally things aren't as pressing as we make them out to be. Relax, breathe, give yourself some space, then make a mindful decision.
We are such a busy society, running from activity to event to commitment, making decisions on a whim, talking without much thought. But at times we feel perplexed about what to do or feel like we are just moving too fast. Sometimes the best thing to do is nothing. This is not a pass to not doing something ever, it's just about not doing something right now. Allow yourself the time to pause. Generally things aren't as pressing as we make them out to be. Relax, breathe, give yourself some space, then make a mindful decision.