"Now we need more action, without which we find that 'Faith without works is dead.'" — "Alcoholics Anonymous"
If we believe in some kind of Higher Power, whether we call it God, Goddess, Spirit, Universe or Higher Power, we may expect that being or entity to take away all of our troubles while we rest on our laurels. But we need to take action (although sometimes that is in the form of in-action) while we let go of the results. For example, we cannot keep stuffing our face with chocolate while asking a Higher Power to remove an addiction to chocolate. We need to first put that chocolate down and then ask for help. It is in that space that miracles can happen.
If we believe in some kind of Higher Power, whether we call it God, Goddess, Spirit, Universe or Higher Power, we may expect that being or entity to take away all of our troubles while we rest on our laurels. But we need to take action (although sometimes that is in the form of in-action) while we let go of the results. For example, we cannot keep stuffing our face with chocolate while asking a Higher Power to remove an addiction to chocolate. We need to first put that chocolate down and then ask for help. It is in that space that miracles can happen.